Thursday, July 18, 2013

Health Update: The Big Test

Update after big test: The test went. I had all the expected fun and difficulties. One hour in and I could not keep the dye down, so we had to stop and re-up the anti-nausea medication. The test continued for five hours. I only have preliminary findings and will meet with the GI specialist on 22nd. So far we are worried that my motility is much slower, this could be nerve damage or scar tissue, after so many surgeries it is difficult to tell. There are three points of serious stricture, this is one more than Stanford Med found before my last surgery in the same test in 2010. So most likely more scar tissue has grown since that surgery. This is the main problem, every time I have surgery to remove or fix scar tissue more forms. My colon shows signs of inflammation, not out of the ordinary after dealing with a bowel obstruction. The surgeon will most likely want to do another surgery, but there are big concerns from me and my doctors that another surgery risks serious complications. The kind of complication which greatly change your standard of living and not for the better or end it all together. I trust my Yale educated doctor when she looks into my eyes and tells me she is worried I would not live through another surgery. That leaves me thinking the "devil I know, is better than the one that will grow". There were some other strange findings but I don't want to talk about those until I meet with my GI Specialist.

I got home from the test wiped out and in pain. I crawled into bed and fell asleep for hours. The next few days will be difficult. It takes a long time for my system to pass the barium dye and the process is very painful. All part of the process.

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